Tatiana Broman, on the trip of life
Some people don’t like diving. Some people love to dive but hesitate to do
underwater caves. Very few people I know would gladly dive into a waterfilled
black hole in the ground. Tatiana made that a living for some years working in
Mexico. Having finished Stockholm School of Economics she wanted to leave
the squared businesslife of the city for some adventures. This has been her
calling since. She moved back to Sweden with her babydaughter and somehow
the divorced Mexican father came along as well. A happy separation allows
Tatiana to travel all around the world more than most of us.
She is pro surfer and does not hesitate to try any adventure sport that comes
in her way. Be it skateboarding in the bowls of cities, downhill biking in Norway
or skiing in Kirgiszistan where her fluent Russian comes handy. Somehow you
get the impression she prefers speed to anything slow. Her daughter is
growing fast and her biggest challenge and ambition is to be the best mother
of all.
To say that Tati is driven is almost an understatement, but she is also a very
caring and curious person. She mingles well at parties and you will definitely
enjoy her company at a dinner table. We are proud to have her as an Alpine
Legends Guide.
Hasse Olsson – Gear & Gourmet
Did you hang out in the bar Tango in French Val Thorens in the early 90´s?
Did you notice the nice colors in the bar? Well then Hasse just did that nice
painting job! His first four winter seasons were spent in Val Thorens, working
as carpenter, wardrobe host and door keeper, but mainly the days were spent
in the gorgeous ski area of Les Trois Vallées, skiing favorite runs on Cime de
Caron. After that the strong Stockholm skier went up to continue ski bumming
in Åre for some years.
In the early 00´s Hasse ended up in the Ayas valley and the impressive ski
area of Monterosa. Here he found his favorite spot where he constantly turns
back to spend both winter and summer seasons. Italy and it´s Alps have more
than skiing that attracts this gourmet and wine interested guide of ours. The
favorite happening of Hasses, is the Vinitaly wine fair of Verona in spring time.
Here our guides go to “develop” the skills and knowledge of wine and grappa
pleasures. The summer Alps of Aosta Valley also keeps Hasse in its spell. Climbing,
alpinism and sky running have become some other passions for this mountaineer.
Hasse also worked a lot at Alpingaraget Stockholm, and nourished his interest
in gear and equipment. This made him the natural gear adviser and kit man of
Alpine Legends. He might seem a bit morose at the start, but a chuckle is always
hiding right behind the blond beard. As a guide Hasse is a perfectionist. The guests
are always to be treated with the perfect combination of fantastic skiing, great
wines and dining experiences according to his own demands. Hasse has developed
his guiding skills the last years and loves to bring clients around both Switzerland
and Austria, but if he can choose he sweepes around the Dolomiti Superski or the
Valtellina powder spots in Italy, to show his preferred slopes and bars. Courmayeur
is another favorite spot of Hasses.
As a guest you can feel safe to be delivered nice ski runs and the best possible
espresso around, but also you have your own technical support just by your side!
Pelle Bagewitz, Powder Provider
Alpine Legends clients are mostly corporate clients on conference trips and
the level of skiing is spread out from absolute beginners to expert skiers who
want to go way outside the marked slopes. To be able to satisfy the powder
freaks we contacted the best there is, Pelle “The Baker Man” Bagewitz from
Solna, Sweden. Educated in the toughest mountain guide school there is, ENSA
in Chamonix, Pelle knows how to find the best and safest powder snow around
the Alps.
During his first years of guiding he thought that his home mountains around
Chamonix where the best and only mountains in the world, but now he knows
different. Guiding with Alpine Legends has taken him all over the Alps to Austria,
Switzerland, Italy, France and even to Norway and Sweden. He has also during
these years developed a great taste for wine and food, and when it comes to
coffee only an espresso or two is good enough. The first time you meet Pelle
you might think he is a stubborn and way too cool person, but once you reach
under his Gore Tex jacket and climbing ropes you find a warm and caring person
who listen to music like Every rose has its thorn and Purple Rain.
When Pelle is not skiing or climbing he escapes from the Chamonix Valley to
Bali for surfing where he also owns a house. Surfing has taken him exotic places
like South Africa in order to fulfill his biggest dream, to become a radical surfer.
If he also wants to become a great golfer is still an unanswered question, but rumors
says that he bought a house on a golf course in Bulgaria. This hobby will at least keep
him away from his biggest fear, being attacked by a shark. As you can see this man
is a person with many qualities and as bonus information we must add that he is also
a great server in restaurants, his favorite color is purple, he loves cows and there is
only one football team, AIK
Cykling i Portes du Soleil
I somras hade vi lyckan att få vara en hel vecka i ett av Europas bästa
områden för mountainbike och downhill cykling, Portes du Soleil.
Här har man satsat på att hålla berget levande även på sommaren och med
25 liftar och 650 km cykelleder öppna är detta också Europas största
system för cykling. Här finns 10 bikeparks med byggda hopp och banor
samt massor med fina crosscountryleder.
För att få fler besökare till de vackra bergen även på sommaren har dom
satsat på något som heter Multipass. Det innebär att man kan köpa liftkort
som endast kostar 1 Euro/dag för få tillgång till alla liftar för vandring.
Vill man cykla får man lägga till för ett cykelpass.
Systemet sträcker sig från Champery via Les Croset, Champossin, Morgins,
Chatel, Avoriaz och Morzine till Les Gets. Vi tog kabinbanan upp från Champery
och fortsatte in i Frankrike. En fin tur som vi fick rekommenderat var en tur till
Col de Cou.
Det finns två saker man måste se upp för när man cyklar här. Vandrare och kor.
Dom är inte så snabba och flyttar sig sällan när man kommer, korna alltså.
Vi stannade till och åt en liten ostbricka på Lapisa där vi bodde i vintras
på vårt mitt i vintern möte. Tre sorters egna ostar tillverkar dom här på
Med ost i magen åkte vi vidare och fick vi en fin liten nerförslöpa.
Efter nerförsbacke kommer uppförsbacke och med våra tunga cyklar
är det lättare att gå än att cykla så vi segade oss ca 30 minuter upp till
Col de Cou på 1920 m. Passet ligger precis på gränsen mellan Schweiz
& Frankrike.
Härifrån fanns det en singletrack som gick längs kammen ner till Champery
via La Barme. Vissa delar var fina medan andra var lite läskiga med branta
sluttningar på var sida om ett smalt djupt spår. Utsikten var dock fantastisk
trots att Dent du Midi var delvis täckt med moln.
På vägen ner passerade vi Cantine de Barmaz.
Efter en fin dag på berget kom vi ner till Champery. Känslan var inte olik
den man har efter en fin tur på vintern.
Tompa rocks!
Some people think that you should be young and single in order to be an
Alpine Legends ski guide. We think it´s almost better the other way around
and we are proud to say that the average age on our guides is above 40.
Tompa is a living example of that. With the passion for skiing, speaking the
alpine language French, knowing his wine and food, Tompa still loves to take
care of corporate guests in Dahu terrain. He is married and he has also passed
the 40 years margin.
Tompa has spent the last decades by the foot of Mont Blanc in the Alpine
capital Chamonix, running famous bars like Chambe Neuf and Goofys together
with his best friend Kristian Baggerud, also he an Alpine Legends guide. And
even if he now spends more time in Italy and Stockholm he will always keep
the mountains close to his heart. In Italy he fills his sunny days with climbing,
which is his other favorite sport. The time spent on the climbing walls has to be
shared equally with the time in Italian restaurants, since Tompa is also a real
gourmet. Some years ago Tompa started the famous restaurant Stockholms
Matvarufabrik and he has also been involved in the food and bar business on
the Swedish summer island, Gotland.
To show the various capacity of Tompa we also have to mention that in his
previous life among lots of things used to be a hard core Harley Davidson
biker and a bass player in the band of Ulf Lundell. He was also involved in
some internet business back in the days, but looking at his mail skills today
you can tell that it was a long time ago
Chris Balmer – Our Swiss Dahu
Our second foreign guide is of course from Switzerland. Since we have lots
of guests in the land of cheese and chocolate every winter and many of us
live there during the snowy season, Chris was an easy choice. A great friend
since ten years, who felt that working with IT solutions every day was not
enough. And since he must be born with a special talent, taking care of people,
it was only natural that he joined in when we started Alpine Legends four years
ago. The best thing with Chris when you are out working is that he never gets
tired. When skiing and conference sessions are over he happily stays out dancing
all night, only to be the first one in the breakfast room the next morning.
The next step between Chris and Alpine Legends is also taken. Since this
spring he is a part owner in our Swiss company Alpine Legends GmbH. His
plan is to find Swiss companies that want to do alpine conferences the way
they do in Sweden, not only in the Alps but also up in Scandinavia. We are
sure that Chris is the right man for that job.
When Chris is not powder skiing around his home mountains in Engelberg or
somewhere else in the Alps with happy guests, he takes out his Kite surfing
equipment. Sometimes you really wonder if he might like that sport even better
than skiing. This sport has taken him to lots of exotic places around the world
like Egypt, Brazil, Portugal, France and Scandinavia. Travelling is another great
passion for Chris and his former job as a chef gave him opportunities to live in
both North America and Asia. But he still loves Switzerland, where he lives in a
beautiful house by the lake of Zug together with his girlfriend Moni and powder
dog Jil.
Cykling bland vingårdar i Alperna
upplevelser finns det gott om både vinter som sommar. Höga berg
och branta pister, vattenfall och djupsnö.
Men det finns även många vackra platser som bjuder på lugn rofylld
semester. Min vän Nic som är van att röra på sig ringde mig för ett tips.
Jag skickade honom på en cykeltur mellan Syd och OstTirol. Ett föga
känt område i gränslandet mellan Italien och Österrike.
Tillbaka kom lyriska sms och en bunt med bilder.

Starten i Brixen (även kallat Bolzano) i Sydtirol med hotel Grüner Baum.
Utdelning av välväxlade cyklar, detaljerad karta och nogranna instruktioner.

Slingrande vägar i Pustertal / Val Pusteria mot Bruneck/Brunico som
gjorda för cykling.

Första dagen passerar vi en vingård som tillhör ett munkkloster.

Hela tiden dessa vackra vyer.

Välfixade vägar varav ungefär hälften är asfalterade

Ännu mera vyer. Lätt att hitta inspiration.

Vinmässa i en liten by nära Olang.

Kyrkan på kullen och det stora berget i bakgrunden

Middag med Dolomiterna som kuliss.

Slutmålet Villach nära trerikshörnet mellan Österrike, Slovenien och Italien.
Tack Nic för fina bilder
Keep on cycling
Via Ferrata i Champery
Vi började dagen med en skön frukost på terrassen vid The Lodge.
Efter två dagars cyklande hade Uffes gaffel börjat läcka olja. Vi åkte därför
ner i dalen för att försöka få ordning på det och passade samtidigt på att
träffa Steve Beck som är marknadsansvarig på Chablais Tourisme. Området
sträcker sig från Genèvesjön upp till bergen i Champery och vingårdarna i
Valaisdalen där det också var aprikossäsong. Vi åt lunch i Monthey och fick
en del tipps på vad vi kunde se och göra i området.
Via Ferratan i Champery var ett av Steves tipps. Så efter lunchen åkte
vi tillbaks till Champery och hyrde sele, hjälm och slingor. För den oinsatte
så är Via Ferrata en enklare form av klättring där man hela tiden är säkrad.
Efter ca 30 minuters anmarsch kom vi fram till starten ligger vid ett vattenfall.
Två hängbroar korsar vattenfallet.
Innan man kommer upp på sista klippväggen.
Själva Via Ferratan är en fin liten tur som tar ca en timme att klättra.
Hela tiden har man utsikt över Champery.
Vägen ner går förbi en mysig liten racletterestaurang som heter Cantine
des Rives. Vi fortsatte dock ner till Champery på en spektakulär vandrings-
led som är uthuggen i berget.
Vi avslutade med en "after via ferrata" i jacuzzin.
Sen var vi laddade för mer cykling.
Swedish Baggen of Chamonix
Kristian ”Baggen” Baggerud is a true skier. Powder snow, steep
French couloirs, “hot dogging” in the moguls of Sun Valley, back country
randonée touring, living glacier descents on Mont Blanc, race tracks and
happy carving, as soon as there´s a chance, the man is up skiing on them
beautiful mountains. Home is Chamonix, France. Here the possibilities of skiing
breathtaking runs are almost never ending. Baggen has always been a dedicated
skier and started off with a couple of seasons in St Anton in the early 80´s, but
he soon ended up in the mythical and exciting Chamonix and stayed for six seasons.
That was the first turn to Chamonix…
His colorful background consists of being a biker building his own Harleys,
studying marketing and working that business during the 90´s, running three
restaurants in Stockholm and one in Chamonix with the best friend Tompa Månsson
(also ex-biker and excellent AL-guide). And after the Goofy Restaurant was sold
he settled down in Chamonix and raised a little family consisting of his dear wife
Francine and their six years old son Teo.
And as times are rolling by, Baggen is running his own business with Francine
and is getting established in Chamonix, but the dream is still glowing of opening
a new restaurant with long time team-mate Tompa.
As coming back in every guide blog, even one of Baggens best qualities as a guide
is his social competence, and that also explains why he´s in the business; “because of
all the nice people you would never meet otherwise”. A bit like his favorite ski
memory from -98 when he crashed into American top model Christie Brinkley in
the famous moguls “Limelight” in Sun Valley. Pleasant surprise...
Hiking paradise i Alagna
Freeride Paradise, som Alagna med rätta gärna kallar sig vintertid, men den 9e
augusti i år går inte av för hackor heller! Så gott som vindstilla, 100 %-ig
sikt över de kalkvita glaciärerna med sina ömsom turkosa och ömsom sensommar-
skitiga sprickor. Vi tog stigen upp från det mäktiga Salatipasset för att röra
oss upp över 3000 meters höjd mot gamla toppstationen Punta Indren.

Över den klippiga Stolembergåsen med luftiga och håriga passager på
både öst- och västsidan. Härifrån kan man spana in flera av vinterns härliga
åk som t ex Balma, Spallone, Indren Diretta och Aquila-couloiren.

Den som har hököga och gott minne från den gamla goda tiden i Alagna kan
lätt indentifiera den gråa kollosen bakom daHultberg som den mytomspunna
toppstationen Punta Indren där den gamla dieselkabinen knirkade sig in mellan
de välvda träsargerna, gungandes i vinden, med några kajor svävande under
kabinen längs de 70 meter lodräta klipporna under det ojämna aliminiumgolvet.
Väl uppe med andan i halsen på 3260 möh så kunde man knappt slita sig från
Ely och gänget som serverade magisk cappuccino på fiket Balma Break....

En av våra mest djuriska guider, jycken Noah, i sitt rätta element. Med en fond
som heter duga; Testa Grigia ovanför Champoluc och Salsadalen till höger i bild.
Snart började törsten göra sig påmind och vilket vattenhål kunde passa bättre än
Rifugio Guglielmina, just around the corner.
Men vem vågar beställa av denne man.....

Har man besökt Gugglan förut så vet man att denne livs levande alpine legend
vet vad vi bör ha i glaset (här med sin mäktiga grappahylla i bakgrunden) men
Francesco har förenat nytta med nöje och utbildat sig till sommelier, och kan med
passion och erfarenhet, plocka fram de mest storslagna viner från hyttans vinkällare,
som rymmer i runda slängar 6000 flaskor kvalitetsviner. Men eftersom hans
apfelstrudel och cappuccio är minst lika välsmakande på förmiddan och jag
fortfarande hade ett par tusen fallhöjd att avverka så höll jag mig till en fika.

Nästa vecka kommer nästa Alpine Legendsgrupp för att njuta av och övernatta
på Rifugio Guglielmina, och trampa de sagolikt vackra vandringslederna längs
Olendalen, Otrodalen och upp mot glaciären längs Monterosas vindlande
bergssidor. Något som varje bergtagen själ nån gång måste prova på.
Håll höjd!
Cia, a guide on the fly!
Cia Ekstedt is the kind of girl that makes you wonder. She is an expert sailor,
skier, tennis player, speaks several languages and never sleeps. And on top
of that she is good-looking! Born to a sea loving father and a snow loving
mother she was brought up with a lot of wind and snow in her blond hair. Her
mother at 70+ is still an inspiration for most skiers.
Tourism in all its forms has been the calling for Cia, be it hotels in the Alps,
flying long distance in Scandinavian colors or taking care of Rock Stars at
Stockholm Festivals. She has a sense of service that is truly unique and
sometimes beyond. It´s best described by the time when she got a little night
rest under a table in a closed restaurant because her guests needed the last
room in the overbooked resort. Having spent most of her life on the fly she is
as off-road a person can be. Her repair kit is famous. She knows how to fix
anything from air hostess stockings to leaking boats. Most summers you can
see her touring the Stockholm archipelago visiting friends in the smallest speedboat
ever seen, hardly any bigger than a smart car.
She is a proud mother of Oscar and faithful friend of many, but she never
stays for long as she is constantly on the move. Have you met Cia you are
lucky, if you haven’t you have something to look forward to.
Champery DH World Cup
was held the same day. We left the car at our lodge and took the cablecar
up to Croix de Culet to walk down to the start of the race.

To make it possible for all the spectators to watch the race they have
built a special spectator trail beside the actual race course.
Champery World Cup downhill course is known to be one of the hardest
you can run and they recomend you to not even think about riding it
unless you are a World Cup rider. We could easily understand why.

Here a short video from the uper part of the course:
The course was really wet and muddy and the pictures and movie doesn´t really
show how step and hard it was. I´m a beginner on downhill but I think everyone
that was there where more than impressed with the riders. On the way down we
saw a familiar face behind a big camera. Chris Patient from Zermatt came over
for the day to get some good shots. It is not easy to capture biking I must say.
Walking down was hard even though they built the special trail. It was so muddy
people were getting stuck in the mud at some places and sliding down at other.

Half way down we saw a helicopter that came to bring down a rider that
fell badly. From what we heard they also had to bring down a spectator that
It was a very good atmosphere and the further down we came the more
people were there to watch. We heard a figure of 8000 paying visitors.

The winner for the men Gee Atherton made it down in 4 min and 2 sec.
It is insane how fast they are going considering the steepness and the state
of the course.
When the race was over we came down to the goal area where you could
walk around and look at the different bikes and parts and everything else
you need for biking.
Some of the riders were signing posters for their fans. Here is Steve Peat,
World Champion 2009.

This is also where they had the price ceremoni. Three french women were
top three for the women and two britts and a south african in top three
for the men. Not sure why, but maybe the britts are more used to the mud : )
Here are the superstars showering in champagne.

A more proffesional movie showing part of the run for the best women
and men can be seen on the 3 minute link below:
When the ceremony was over we had a raclette with Chris in one of the
tents and headed home to our base for the coming week. I was lucky to
win a price in a drawing that the Valais Road Show had in Stockholm
together with Swiss Tourisme, a luxury apartment in the Lodge in Champery
just 300 meters from the cable car.

We had three bedrooms and would have loved to fill it up with some more
friends. It is a shame to have a big place like this to ourselves, but since
we were alone we choosed to stay in the master bedroom ; )

We even had our own jacuzzi outside. I think this is a great place for smaller
groups, friends or families. You have everything you need here and can
choose to stay home and cook or go out and eat. For bikers you have a
laundry room in the house and a place to clean your bike.
More info on the apartments can be found at: http://www.miggins.ch/
Uffe and I were superhappy with our first day in Champery and inspired to
go biking ourselves.

Blanktjärnsrundan nästan...
För att få lite variation på vår Årevecka gick vi en liten vandring i Vålådalen
en dag. Vi fick tipps av Undersåkersborna Åsa & Henning om en vandring till
en smaragdgrön tjärn som heter Blanktjärn. Det var välskyltat så det
borde inte varit så svårt att hitta.
I början av turen går man på en hängbro över Vålån.
Sen fortsätter det med varierad terräng genom urskog och våtmarker
tills man kommer fram till en tjärn. Där satt en fin pil med texten
Blanktjärnsrundan som vi följde. Vi tyckte nog att vi blivit lite lurade för
tjärnen vi kom till var mer brun än grön.
Det visade sig efteråt att det var Matskålstjärn som vi kommit till.
Hade vi gått ca 200 m till över åsen hade vi sett Blanktjärnarna.
Vi var ändå ganska nöjda med vår lilla vandring när vi kom tillbaks till
vackra Vålån. Turen är 14,5 km lång och går mestadels på platten, perfekt
för en mellandag.
På kvällen blev det BBQ hos Åsa & Henning som till och med lånat ut
en karta, men varför titta på den när det fanns så fina skyltar att följa?
Till Åre via Gotska Sandön
Första dagen på semestern mönstrade jag på Juliett tillsammans med
kapten Anders, Ola & Karolina. Vi brukar ju säga att vi gillar när det
lutar och det kan det göra på sjön med. Jag kan även få samma mäktiga
känsla av naturkraft vid havet som bland bergen.
Vi fick en sagolik första kväll nära Mörtö Bunsö...
Sen fortsatte vi till Huvudskär som ligger i ytterskärgården. En vacker
liten ö med en fyr och fina klippor.
Sen var det öppet hav ut till Gotska Sandön.
Eftersom ön endast betår av sand så finns inga naturliga tillägsplatser.
Vi la oss därför på svaj ett stycke ut och rodde in i lillbåten. Karolina
dukade upp sillmiddag på stranden som vi fick ha helt för oss själva.
Sen tog vi en kvällspromenad till fyren som för övrigt varit med i både
kriminalromaner och filmer.
Ännu en otoligt vacker kväll med en rosa solnedgång....
Vi kastade loss efter ett par timmar med sol, bad & bokläsning. Nästa
stopp som oxå blev mitt sista var norra Fårö där vi åt middag i Lauters
hamn. Därifrån är det inte långt till kultklubben Kuten som också fick ett
besök innan jag fick skjuts med en kompis till färjeteminalen i Visby.
Den som tittar noga på Kuten kan hitta en Dahu på väggen, trot bestämt
det måste vara DaHultberg som varit här förut.
Kl 03.30 gick båten och jag var hemma 1 timme innan jag, Uffe & Tompa
tutade på raka vägen till Åre!
Här delade vi stuga med några kompisar. Cykling är ju en materialsport
och det är mycket som kan gå sönder och slitas ut. Tompa & Uffe leker
Åre var en totalkontrast till det vackra varma vädret vi haft i södra Sverige.
+12 och mulet. Men cykla kan man göra ändå. Vi som inte hade egna
down hill cyklar hyrde på Åre Bikes.
Tyvärr fick jag inte med mig kameran upp på skutan när vi cyklade,
men från lunchen på Hyddan hade vi bra koll på killarna som vågade
sig på dessa "små" hopp.
Vi cyklade i två dagar och hade som vanligt kul i de byggda banorna.
Jag blev kär i min hyrcykel, men det var för tidigt på säsongen för att
killarna på Åre Bikes skulle sälja den. Att köpa begagnat är annars ett
bra sätt att slippa bli ruinerad.
Även Åreskutan gjorde sig fint i solnedgången.
Många solnedgångar blev det...
Tack o hej!
Our golden boy from Biot!
On top of a hill, in the picturesque village of Biot, close to Nice on the French
Riviera, that´s where Pontus Rydlöf finally settled down. But a small flat in
Paris and the house shared with a friend on Tegelön outside Stockholm, serves
as complimentary homes for this travelling man from Stigtomta, Nyköping. As
most of our guides, he has been in the ski guiding business for many years. This
because of some terribly nice reasons; he loves taking care of guests and sharing
his knowledge about culture and mountains, to grab the chance to see and ski new
places around the world, and finally of course, he is having lots of fun!
What makes Pontus one of the best ski guides to have around? Well except
for speaking six languages, having the license for driving a bus, being a top
class creative problem solver, knowing the best food and wine around the Alps,
he also is a particularly social and caring person, seeing every guest around him.
You want to know how it feels to ski with Pontus? Follow his tails here:
When Monsieur Rydlöf is not running around France building interiors for shops,
which is his own prosperous business, he loves taking his motorbike over to Italy
to watch some Serie A football games and specially Inter at San Siro. Don’t be
surprised if you meet him on Madagascar around New Years Eve. Or just head up
the Alpes Maritimes in the winter time and you will find him cruising on his Salomon
Shoguns in his “own backyard”, the empty powder runs of Foux d´Alloz…